
Prep for Facebook’s Timeline Layout: 6 Must-Do Privacy Tweaks - sipesagat1982

Get ready for your Facebook past to do back with a vengeance; the mixer network is now rolling retired its current profile layout, Timeline, to altogether users cosmopolitan. Timeline is basically an online scrapbook that displays your Facebook activity in reverse chronological order going back to when you initiative joined the social network.

This means you and your Facebook friends will be competent to peruse your social networking story with just a few clicks. Previously, in that respect was no practical way to see your older activity on Facebook.

If Timeline's debut has you wondering whether you can hide the unpleasant bits of your Facebook life before your new profile goes live, the good news is you can. But you'll only have seven days to make whatever changes to your Timeline before information technology becomes your default profile.

[Related: Facebook's New Timeline Layout: A Getting Started Guide]

Get Timeline

There are three ways Timeline could get on your profile. You toilet trigger off it now by visiting Facebook's Timeline page. You could too wait for Facebook to notify you that Timeline is available and then choose to activate it. Finally, for those who want to resist Timeline every bit long equally possible, you can come nothing and Facebook will eventually move you over to the New Look. In for each one case, you draw a full seven days to edit your profile just the way of life you want it before it goes live. You can as wel choose to publish your Timeline at any time during the seven-day editing period.

I've been using Timeline since September and found IT to atomic number 4 an interesting way to revisit all my past Facebook activity. Here's a quick checklist of five things you'll want to think about checking on your Timeline before your heptad days are up.

Shroud Old Posts

If you want to receive eliminate an old status update, photo, article link or same, attend the post on Timeline and loom all over its top right corner. Sink in the pencil icon and select "Enshroud from Timeline." If you'Re concealment Facebook app activity, such A the Washington Spot Reader app, the computer menu options to hide activity may be different.

If you're having a hard fourth dimension determination a particular post, look for a determine of navigation links to the decently that list your content by year. Clack on the twelvemonth you retrieve your embarrassing post might have happened to find information technology. You can also drill downward promote by selecting a specific calendar month.

Check The Log

If you want to keep a post happening your Timeline, but don't want specific people to see it you can change an individual post's settings using your Activity Logarithm. Click on "Natural action Log up" underneath your Timeline deal photo to come across a I page itemisation of all your Facebook activity designed by date stamp.

Any of your activity, much as when you publish on a friend's palisade, can't be restricted although you can delete these posts if you desire. Posts that appear on your profile such as status updates and clause golf links can be controlled. To start, click connected the cog ikon close to a billet you want to restrict. A drop menu will appear with controls similar to Facebook's new inline privacy controls. You can choose to make an old send national, only for friends, only you or a custom setting that excludes particular people.

You bathroom besides filter what type of data your activity log shows you. This could be helpful if you'd ilk to see a list of just your profile posts, or notes, operating theatre likes and so on. To do this, navigate to the top of the activity log and click on the "Whol" drop down carte du jour connected the far right of the main column and blue-ribbon your filter.

Characteristic Old Posts

If you have a post you'd like to feature, such as a photo of a wedding or graduation exercise, brood over the top right corner of the post again. This time, as an alternative of the pencil, click the star image and the Emily Price Post will stretch out to fill the width of Timeline's main pillar.

Facebook automatically features both events and posts for you such as when you started work on taxon job operating room graduated from college. If you'd prefer not to feature these posts, just click the star icon and they will squinch down to a regular size put up.

Set Your Cover Exposure

The top of your visibility will now include a large photo called the cover photo that leave be one of the first things the great unwashe landing on your profile will see. You get to choose which photo you'd like to add there so take a a couple of minutes to work out what you'd like to arrange there. Keep in mind your cover photo is not private, so anyone on Facebook could potentially see it.

View Every bit Public

After you've edited your Timeline, you may want to check what others leave constitute able to see on your revamped profile. To do this click on the cog picture underneath your cover photo and blue-ribbon "View As…" from the drop refine menu. This will automatically show you how your profile looks to the public and your subscribers if you have some. You prat likewise introduce the refer of whatever of your Facebook friends at the top of the page to catch exactly what they'll see on your Timeline. Once you're finished, sink in the "Back to Timeline" button.

That's it. Your Timeline is available for you and your friends to enjoy a set off down your digital computer memory lane.

Connect with Ian Paul the Apostle (@ianpaul ) and Today@PCWorld on Twitter for the latest tech newsworthiness and depth psychology.


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